Water into wine at Cana - Page 9



1. Reed, J.L. (2007) The HarperCollins visual guide to the New Testament.  What archaeology reveals about the first Christians, New York: HarperCollins.

2. Reed, J.L. (2007) The HarperCollins visual guide to the New Testament.  What archaeology reveals about the first Christians, New York: HarperCollins.

3. Daniel-Rops, H. (1955) Jesus in his time,  London: Eyre and Spottiswoode Publishers Ltd.

4. Bouquet, A.C. (1953) Everyday life in New Testament times, London: B.T. Batsford Ltd.

5. Daniel-Rops, H. (1955) Jesus in his time.  London: Eyre and Spottiswoode Publishers Ltd.

6. McIntyre, J. (1899) The Holy Gospel according to St John, London: Catholic Truth Society.

7. Royster, D. (Archbishop Dmitri) (1999) The miracles of Christ, New York: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press.

8. Bauckham, R. (2006) Jesus and the eyewitnesses.  The Gospels as eyewitness testimony, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

9. McIntyre, J. (1899) The Holy Gospel according to St John, London: Catholic Truth Society.

10. Ratzinger, J. (2008) Jesus of Nazareth, London: Bloomsbury.

11. Goodier, A. (1930) The public life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Volume one, London and Dublin: Burns Oates.

12. Navarre Bible (2008) (2nd edition) Commentary on St John’s Gospel, Dublin: Four Courts Press.

13. Knox, R. and Cox, R. (1958) The Gospel story, London: Burns & Oates.

14. Ratzinger, J. (2008) Jesus of Nazareth, London: Bloomsbury.

15. Ratzinger, J. (2008) Jesus of Nazareth, London: Bloomsbury.

16. Wright, T. (2004) John for everyone.  Part 1, London:SPCK.

17. Ratzinger, J. (2008) Jesus of Nazareth, London: Bloomsbury.

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