The ten bridesmaids - Page 6


Many of us began our lives in the company of that holy Bride – the blessed company of all faithful people – just as in the parable the bridesmaids began their day in attendance on the bride.  And in Baptism and Confirmation we receive the light of the Holy Spirit within our souls.  And just as the climax of the bridesmaids’ day was meant to be only when it was over and night had come and they found themselves at last at the brightly-lit marriage supper with the bridegroom and the bride; so too the purpose and climax of our life and existence can only be reached when our day here is over and we have gone out into the night with the lamp of the Holy Spirit, not quenched by our neglect but burning brightly within ourselves; and we are brought by Our Lord at last into the glorious light of his visible Presence in Heaven.

So the lesson of the Parable is that we – each one of us – should never allow any sin to quench the light of grace within us and so separate us from God for any longer than we can help, but should turn back to him at once in penitence and seek his forgiveness so that we may always be found ready to die whenever Our Lord should summon us hence.  “Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour” (NRSV, Matthew 25:13).