Faith and joy - Page 3


So, although reason may lead us part of the way in our search for the truth about God, we still have to leap beyond the point to which reason can take us and make the further and infinitely important step of trusting implicitly what God has actually revealed to us about himself in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We have to imitate the trustfulness of little children and having done that we find, as little children do, that faith has become certainty, a sure and immediate recognition of the truth.

Without such convinced faith we shall merely hold ‘views’ about the Christian religion and views will have no effect on either the direction or the meaning of our life.  Everyone has opinions, few have convictions.  And if people have only opinions about Our Lord, they are on the fringe of the Christian religion.  Only when they have a convinced faith in Our Lord, does religion become part of their lives and part of themselves because only then does it touch their hearts and wills.

Rightly is the Christian religion called the Christian Faith.  Once it comes home to us that without Jesus Christ as our Saviour there can be no future for us worth the name; and once we see that he, and only he, can cleanse our souls and put us right with God and bring us to Heaven – then there wells up in us a deep and abiding gratitude to him.

If someone saved you from death in a burning house, you would not think of him in a detached way.  A new relationship would have been formed between you, and you would say to your rescuer, “How can I ever repay you?”  How much more so is this true of oneself and Jesus when once one has taken to heart the fact that he saves our souls from eternal death, from that state of eternal separation from God which is the ultimate and logical consequence of human sin.