The stable - Page 3


From our point of view salvation means penitence and faith, the putting away of sin and the entire devotion of the soul to God.  From his point of view it is the transforming, not now of the stable into a sanctuary, but of the unworthy soul into a temple of God, hallowed by his own presence.

Christmas is not merely the Birthday of the Founder of the Christian religion.  Indeed to keep it as that alone is to miss not only the true joy of this holy season, but also its true meaning.  Christmas is very much more than the commemoration of an historical event; it is even more than a Festival kept by the whole Church in honour of the Birth of its Lord and God.  It is also a time of personal joy when each member of the Church should rejoice in the coming to earth of his or her Saviour and for all that has meant, and still means, for the salvation of their own souls.