Holy Saturday - Holy Saturday

The Triduum Sacrum refers to the three Holy Days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.  In origin, the services which mark these Holy Days go back to the early centuries of the Christian religion.

Maundy Thursday is concerned with the Institution of the Eucharist by Our Blessed Lord in the Upper Room and with his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.  The Liturgy on Good Friday is pre-occupied with the Crucifixion of the Saviour.  The Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday celebrates his Resurrection and our own sharing of his risen life through our membership of his Church.

By these three services the Church not only commemorates these events but also herself in every generation enters into their meaning.

Holy Saturday

The season of Lent ends just before the Maundy Thursday evening Eucharist of the Last Supper begins.  But our Lenten fast of 40 days, which started on Ash Wednesday, should continue up to the Vigil on Holy Saturday.  We should try to spend some time quietly reflecting on the last two days, praying for people who are to be baptised and confirmed at the Vigil, and preparing for our Easter Communion.

The Easter Vigil marks the start of Easter and you’ll find seasonal material in the Easter section of the Holy Faith website.