The Door of the Sheep - Page 6


So through the centuries Our Lord in the Eucharist has been bringing generation after generation to his Father. Men and women and children of every race and every land have, at countless Consecrations, been brought by him week by week to God. And now we, in our turn, come Sunday by Sunday and are brought by Our Lord into the immediate Presence of God, and thus enter into that heavenly supernatural life that surrounds us on every side.

And at the end of each Eucharist we go forth from his throne in peace to serve him in the world outside; until at the next Sunday Eucharist we reassemble, as God’s people do the world over, and with them are brought once again by Our Lord into the holy of holies, before the very throne of God himself.

Thus is fulfilled for us, as it is for the rest of Christ’s Church the world over, his own promise: “…I am the door of the sheep…if any one enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture” (RSV, John 10:7,9).


1. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Astrophysics Science Division) StarChild question of the month (2000). Available from: (Accessed 26 February 2014) (Internet).

2. Wikipedia (2014) Galactic year. Available from: (Accessed 26 February 2014) (Internet).

3. Potter, C. (2009) You are here. A portable history of the Universe, London: Hutchinson.


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