Queen of Heaven - Page 2


In the Creed we affirm our belief in the Communion of Saints, that is, in a real fellowship not only with our departed relatives and friends but also with the blessed Saints in Heaven.  That states the truth, and it is given a practical application in the Saints days throughout the year.  On those days we rejoice to honour Our Lord’s friends who are now with him.  As he himself has told us, “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also.  Whoever serves me, the Father will honour” (NRSV, John 12:26).  It would therefore indeed be remiss if we were to ignore our Christian brothers and sisters in Heaven who receive honour from the eternal God himself.

But there is one whose position is unique, not only among the Saints, but among all humankind, past, present and to come – and that is Our Lady, the Mother of him who is God.  He is for ever her Son.  She is for ever his Mother and from her he took his human nature.  In the words of the poet, John Keble,

“Thenceforth, Whom thousand worlds adore,
He calls thee Mother evermore;
Angel nor Saint His face may see
Apart from what He took of thee”. (2)