As we forgive them - Page 4



1. We cannot be forgiven by God if we ourselves are unforgiving, for an unforgiving spirit is sinful and separates us from God.  If anyone is nasty to us, we should be willing to forgive and forget.

2. If we find it difficult to forgive anybody, we should remember them in our prayers.


1. New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Anglicized Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press.  Footnote to 18:24.

2. New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Anglicized Version, Oxford: Oxford University Press.  Footnote to 18:28.

3. Edith Cavell website (1997-2010) Nurse Edith Cavell 1865-1915.  A Norfolk heroine.  Available from:  (Accessed 19 August 2010) (Internet).

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