Angels - Page 2


St Peter’s Chains

One of the most famous examples of the work of the Holy Guardian Angels is the story of St Peter’s Chains which you will find in the Acts of the Apostles (12:1-17).

Peter is made a prisoner

Twelve years after the Crucifixion of Jesus, St James was killed by King Herod, the grandson of Herod the Great.  The next to be arrested was St Peter who was put in the innermost dungeon of the palace prison in Jerusalem.  In order to make doubly sure that he could not escape he was guarded by four Roman soldiers.  Two were inside the dungeon, each one chained to him, while the other two kept watch at the doors of the inner and outer walls.  He was kept in prison for several days and during that time the Christians in Jerusalem scarcely stopped praying for his safety.

Rescue by the angel of the Lord

The night before his execution Peter was sleeping quietly between the two soldiers.  His sandals and cloak were on the floor nearby.  “Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell” (NRSV, Acts 12:7).  The angel tapped Peter on the side, woke him and told him to get up quickly.  And the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.  The angel told him to put on his belt and sandals.  Peter did this.  Then the angel said, “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me” (NRSV, Acts 12:8).  Peter followed the angel but did not think what was happening was real – he thought he was seeing a vision.  They passed the first and the second guard and came to the iron gate leading into the city.  It opened for them of its own accord and they went through and walked along a lane.  At this point the angel disappeared.  “Then Peter came to himself and said, ‘Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from the hands of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting” (NRSV, Acts 12:11).

Michaelmas Day

The great day on which we remember and honour all the angels is the Feast of St Michael and All Angels on September 29th, often known as Michaelmas Day.

Here is a prayer for morning and evening, asking your Guardian Angel to help you: “My good Guardian angel, please keep watch over me this day (or this night)”.


1. The angels live in Heaven where they worship God.  They also bring messages from God to human beings and guard us from harm.  Each of us has a Guardian Angel.

2. We honour the angels on the Feast of St Michael and All Angels or Michaelmas Day on September 29th.

3. Every morning and evening we should ask our Guardian Angel to help us.  We can use words such as these: “My good Guardian angel, please keep watch over me this day (or this night)”.


1. ©The Archbishops’ Council (2000) Common Worship, Holy Communion, Order One, Eucharistic Prayer A.  Available from:  (Accessed 17 August 2010) (Internet).

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