Maker of Heaven and Earth - Page 3


Life on Earth

Life on Earth began in the form of single-cell organisms, such as bacteria.  Two billion years ago all life was single-celled and only lived in the oceans.  Gradually organisms developed that were made of many cells.  Then, from fossils that have been found, scientists know that hard-bodied creatures appeared.  Eventually primitive fish appeared – the first creatures with a backbone.  Then air-breathing animals and plants appeared on land, as well as insects and in time, the dinosaurs. 

By around 5.3 million years ago, the common ancestors of humans and chimpanzees had appeared, and around 50,000 years ago our human ancestors left Africa.  Gradually humans spread across the Earth. (7)

Accounts of the creation in Genesis

There are two accounts of the creation of human beings in Genesis.  One is the well-known story of Adam and Eve who stand for the first men and women on the earth.  The other account says, “God created humankind in his image…male and female he created them” (NRSV, 1:27).

We have, therefore, God to thank, not only for the wonderful world in which we live with all the beauties of Nature, but also for our own lives and the lives of our relations and friends.  So we can make one of the songs of Heaven our own song:

“You are our Lord and our God, you are worthy of glory and honour and power, because you made all the universe and it was only by your will that everything was made and exists” (Jerusalem Bible, Revelation 4:11).


 1. The Bible teaches us the truth that God made the Universe.  God made things where before there was nothing.

2. The Bible teaches us that living things were not all made at once.  Science tells us that human life gradually developed from a single living cell over a very long time.


1. Potter, C. (2009) You are here. A portable history of the universe, London: Hutchinson.

2. Potter, C. (2009) op cit.

3. Potter, C. (2009) op cit.

4. Potter, C. (2009) op cit.

5. Potter, C. (2009) op cit.

6. Henbest, N. and Couper, H. (1982) The restless universe, London: George Philip.

7. Potter, C. (2009) op cit.

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