This State of Salvation - Page 3



So he died to make us good; not goody-goody, you notice, but fine and true and pure and generous as he is.  There is nothing weak about Jesus – you have only to look at a crucifix to know that – and there is nothing weak about goodness.  It is the strongest thing in the world.  You have only to think of the Christian martyrs to see that, for they were able to die for Our Lord and they did because they shared in his own strength and holiness.  Their victory was his.

And goodness is not only about avoiding sin; it is about doing positive acts of kindness, gentleness, thoughtfulness and so on in our everyday lives.  So if your mother or father seems tired and worried, try to help by doing some extra jobs about the home.  Remember to thank them for what they do for you, for example, cooking nice meals, taking you on outings and buying you new clothes.  You may also find you can help support a charity supporting people less fortunate than you.

So long, therefore, as we make our Confession and Communions regularly, and go the Eucharist Sunday by Sunday, remember to say our prayers, and never give up trying to do positive acts of goodness, then we are safe; and Our Lord, who is our Captain, will bring us to the harbour of everlasting life.  It is when people leave the Church, that their souls are in danger, because then they leave Our Lord and the safety he provides.  They are then like someone on an ocean liner who jumps overboard when out at sea.