The Christian Faith

This section of the website provides more extended teaching on larger content areas, such as the Creed and the Sacraments. It begins with Introduction·to the Christian Faith.  More content will be added in due course.

The section entitled Short Talks comprises stand-alone talks and articles on different aspects of the Christian Faith, including the teaching of Jesus, the seasons of the Church’s Year and Feasts and Festivals.· 


Holy Order: Priests

Last week we saw how candidates are trained for the ordained Ministry of the Church.  After being ordained Deacon they go to work in parishes.  Some choose to remain as deacons but most become priests.  And so, twelve months later there comes their ordination to the priesthood when they receive the Sacrament of Holy Order, this time to make them Priests.

Read more: Holy Order: Priests

Holy Order: Bishops

You will remember that there are three ranks or orders in the Ministry of the Church: Bishops, Priests and Deacons.  Today we are going to talk about bishops, but in order to understand what a bishop is, we must first understand what the Apostles were, for it was the bishops who took the Apostles’ place.

Read more: Holy Order: Bishops

Clergy, Religious and Readers

The Diocese

All clergy are bishops, priests or deacons, but they may hold different positions in the Church.  Today we are going to see how the Church, and in particular the Church of England is organised. 

Read more: Clergy, Religious and Readers