Via Dolorosa - First Station


The First Station: Jesus is condemned to death

V. (Genuflecting) We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,
R. because by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Good Friday morn: the priests and rulers, Lord,
have hurried you to Pilate’s judgement-hall,
where packed before the portico a horde
of riff-raff joins them, void of pity all.

When pagan Pilate seeks to have you freed,
your people with united voice reply,
“Barabbas is our choice: we’re all agreed.
Jesus? Away with Jesus, let him die”.

The chant of “Crucify” begins to grow,
until at last before this Devil’s choir
Pilate gives way.  He lets Barabbas go,
and you he sends to death as they desire.


O HOLY JESUS, it was not Pilate; it was my sins that condemned you to die.  I beseech you, by the merits of this sorrowful journey, to assist my soul on its journey to eternity.

Act of contrition

O GOD, we love you with our whole hearts and above all things, and are heartily sorry that we have offended you.  May we never offend you any more.  May we love you without ceasing, and make it our delight to do in all things your most holy will.

Our Father   Hail Mary

V. O Saviour of the world, who by your Cross and precious Blood has redeemed us,
R. save us and help us, we humbly beseech you, O Lord.