Room in my heart? - Page 4


Should anyone think that the cares and distractions of the world are too pressing to allow Christmas to be kept as what it really is – a religious festival in honour of the Child of Bethlehem – let us consider the preparation of Mary and Joseph who had far more formidable difficulties in their way.

For many months they had been quietly waiting and making ready for this day.  While Joseph made the cradle at his bench and Mary worked the little clothes for her holy Son to wear, they must often have pondered over the message which Gabriel had brought to her.

She was to be the Mother of God’s only Son and as she thought thereon, there came to her mind all those prophecies which foretold his Birth.

Then, at the very time when she would have wished to be free from all outside cares and distractions, the claims of the world strode into their home.