Room in my heart? - Page 5


The decree was issued by the Emperor Augustus for the census to be held.  All was hurry and bustle, but it did not disturb their preparation, for Mary and Joseph were ready.  It meant a 70 mile journey with little hope of accommodation on the way.  Yet the hardships of the highland road, the jostling crowds in the narrow city streets, the fruitless search for lodging – none of these difficulties interfered with their preparation.

They knew that this was the supreme moment in human history, the moment for which the world had waited for centuries; their hearts were ready for Jesus, because their hearts belonged to him.

It was little they had to give to him who gave himself to them as the first Christmas gift, but they gave him all – they gave themselves.  And Jesus cares more for that than for all besides.

As, therefore, he gives himself to us on Christmas Day, let us give ourselves as our Christmas gift to him.  When we make our Christmas Communion, Jesus will come to us in the Blessed Sacrament, seeking room.

May our souls be made clean and ready so that we may be able to say to him with sincerity and truth, “Come to my heart, Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for thee” (1)(our emphasis).


1. Elliott, E.E.S. (1864) Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown.  Available from (Accessed 10 December 2013)(Internet).

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