The Ascended Ministry - Page 3


Through the great outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost – his Father’s Spirit and his own – the Ascended Christ, now present with us wherever we are, is able to touch our life at every point.  All that he achieved by his life and death and Resurrection, he freely gives to his Church and to those of its members who are united to him through faith, that “secret and inward surrender of the will which places the life of the believer in the sphere of the life of Jesus”. (1) (our emphasis).

So all through the centuries which have elapsed since that day, the Ascended Christ has been accomplishing his work of salvation at all times and in all places by delivering men, women and children from the dominion of moral and spiritual darkness and transferring them to his Kingdom of moral and spiritual light; turning sinners into penitents and penitents into Saints, building up his Body the Church, “until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” (NRSV, Ephesians 4:13).


1. Rackham, R.B. (11th edition) (1930) The Acts of the Apostles.  An exposition, London: Methuen.  The 8th edition (1919) is available from: (Accessed 22 April 2012) (Internet).

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