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- The Star of Bethlehem
- The Conversion of Paul
- The grace of God
- The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
- The gift of faith
- Death
- Judgement
- Hell
- Purgatory and Heaven
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- Ash Wednesday
- A generous Lent
- Minor Passion characters and discipleship
- The Temple traders
- The man with the jar of water
- The mob and Pilate's wife
- The two robbers
- The merciful soldier
- Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Words from the Cross: Introduction
- First Word
- Second Word
- Third Word
- Fourth Word
- Fifth Word
- Sixth Word
- Seventh Word
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- The Easter victory
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- George, Martyr
- St George: Loyalty to Christ
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- The Ascension
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- Bartholomew, Apostle
- To be with him
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- Every Christian a missionary
- Harvest Thanksgiving
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- The preaching of John the Baptist: Repentance
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- Herod Antipas
- Pontius Pilate
- Mary
- The Lord's Body
- Palm Sunday
- The King of Love
- Easter serenity
- The Ascended Ministry
- Love and boldness
- Worship
- One Bread, One Body
- John the Baptist
- Little things
- Miracles
- Jairus’ daughter: “Only believe”
- Feeding the 5000: Rest and refreshment
- Syrophoenician woman’s daughter
- The Transfiguration, Crucifixion and Resurrection
- Deaf man with speech impediment: Be opened
- Luke, Evangelist
- Perseverance
- Faithful unto death
- Eternal life
- Remembrance Sunday
- Christ and suffering
- Four Parables of Judgement
- The ten bridesmaids
- The talents
- The wicked tenants
- The weeds in the field
- The Babe of Bethlehem
- The Sunday Eucharist
- The temptations of Christ
- The wounds of Christ
- A world in revolt: sin and suffering
- The scourging (repentance)
- The crown of thorns (loyalty)
- His hands (generosity)
- His feet (obedience)
- His side (love)
- Dying and living
- Jesus in the midst
- The Visitation
- The Holy Spirit in the Church
- Holiness and love
- The Body of Christ, Church and Sacrament
- Lammas Day
- Michael and All Angels
- The vision of God
- Generosity and sacrifice
- Glorious inheritance
- Room in my heart?
- The stable
- Joyful worship
- Offering
- Titles of Christ
- Alpha and Omega
- The Light of the World
- The Good Shepherd
- The Door of the Sheep
- The True Vine
- The Last Supper: its meaning
- Presence of the Risen Christ
- His service is perfect freedom
- The work of the Holy Spirit
- Worship, not speculation
- Blind Bartimaeus
- Ten lepers: the leper’s return
- The Inseparables
- Made like unto Him
- Saviour and King
- The Christian's joy
- Christmas Eve
- Up to the brim
- Lenten loving
- Widow's son at Nain
- Gerasene demoniac
- Parables
- Good Samaritan
- The Transfiguration and the Sunday Communion
- Conflict
- The dishonest manager
- The Pharisee and the tax-collector
- The relevance of Bethlehem
- Herod and the three kings
- Passion Sunday
- He suffered
- Christian mysteries
- The unmerciful debtor
- The Labourers in the Vineyard
- Devotional Resources
- The Christian Faith
- Introduction to the Christian Faith
- I believe
- The Apostles' Creed
- I believe in God
- God the Father (A)
- Maker of Heaven and Earth
- Why God made human beings
- Almighty
- The Fall
- God's plan of salvation
- Abraham to Moses
- Moses to the divided kingdom
- The exiles of Israel and Judah
- The Roman Empire
- The Birth of Christ
- Jesus Christ his only Son Our Lord
- Palestine in Our Lord's time
- Suffered under Pontius Pilate
- Was crucified, dead and buried
- He descended into Hell
- Our Saviour
- The Resurrection of Jesus (A)
- The Resurrection of Jesus (B)
- The forgiveness of sins
- Judge of the living and the dead
- The resurrection of the body and the life everlasting
- He ascended into Heaven
- Sitteth on the right hand of God
- I believe in the Holy Ghost
- God the Father (B)
- God the Son
- God the Holy Spirit
- The Jewish Church
- The worldwide Church
- The Church, the Society of God
- The Church Militant
- The Holy Church
- The Catholic Church
- The Apostolic Church (A)
- The Apostolic Church (B)
- The Church's Book
- The One Church on earth
- The Church in Purgatory
- The Church in Heaven
- The Communion of Saints
- Angels
- The Faith of Christ Crucified
- The Church's Year
- Advent to Good Friday
- Easter to Advent
- Harvest Thanksgiving: a healthy soul
- Prayer
- Introduction to prayer
- Thanksgiving in prayer
- Confession in prayer
- Asking in prayer (A)
- Asking in prayer (B)
- Prayer through suffering
- Prayers to the Saints
- Morning and evening prayers
- Our Father, who art in Heaven
- Hallowed be thy Name
- Thy Kingdom come
- Thy will be done
- Our daily bread
- Our trespasses
- Forgive us our trespasses
- As we forgive them
- Lead us not into temptation
- Deliver us from evil
- The Ten Commandments
- Duty and the Ten Commandments
- First: No other gods
- First: To believe, fear and love God
- Second: Graven images
- Second: To worship him
- Second: To thank, call upon & trust God
- Third: To honour his holy Name
- Third: God's Word
- Fourth: Keeping Sunday
- Fourth: Feasts and Festivals
- My neighbour
- Love my neighbour
- Fifth: Honour your father and your mother
- Fifth: Honour other people
- Sixth: You shall not kill
- Seventh: You shall not commit adultery
- Eighth: You shall not steal
- Ninth: You shall not bear false witness
- Tenth: Covetousness
- Tenth: Vocation
- Faithfulness to God
- Christian Rule of Life
- Time, talents and money
- Fighting valiantly as a disciple of Christ
- Confession
- Confirmation and Holy Communion
- Self-denial
- Firm in the Faith: Evidence for the Resurrection
- In the power of the Holy Spirit: Pentecost
- The Saints
- God's greatness and love: Harvest Thanksgiving
- Worship and Sacraments
- Grace
- The sacramental principle
- The Sacraments: Minister, matter, form and grace
- The Seven Sacraments
- Holy Baptism: The Sacrament
- Baptism: The Service
- Baptism: The New Birth
- Baptism: Member of Christ
- Baptism: The child of God, inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven
- Baptism: Renouncing the Devil and all his works
- Baptism: Pomps and vanity
- Baptism: Articles, God's will and Commandments
- Confirmation: The Sacrament
- Confirmation: The Service
- Reconciliation: Forgiveness
- Reconciliation: The Sacrament
- Reconciliation: Confession
- The parish church: Outside
- The parish church: Inside
- The altar and sanctuary
- Altar linen and vessels
- The Eucharistic vestments
- Public worship
- Meaning of the Crucifixion
- The Crucifixion and the Eucharist
- The Blessed Sacrament
- Eucharist: The Gathering
- Eucharist: Liturgy of the Word
- Eucharist: Liturgy of the Sacrament (Peace and Offertory)
- Eucharist: Liturgy of the Sacrament (Eucharistic Prayer)
- Eucharist: Liturgy of the Sacrament (Communion)
- The Eucharist and daily life
- Ceremonial customs
- Preparation and thanksgiving for Communion
- The Requiem
- Holy Matrimony
- Holy Unction (Anointing of the sick)
- Holy Order: Deacons
- Holy Order: Priests
- Holy Order: Bishops
- Clergy, Religious and Readers
- Vocal and mental prayer
- This State of Salvation
- Alive and with us always
- Easter: Christian joy
- Pentecost: Spanning the centuries
- Harvest Thanksgiving: the Bread of Heaven
- Preparation classes for Confirmation and First Communion
- 1. Prayer
- 2. What this life is for
- 3. The Fall
- 4. Jesus Christ, God and Man
- 5. Evidence for Christ's Resurrection
- 6. Meaning of the Crucifixion
- 7. The Church here and hereafter
- 8. Sacraments of the Church
- 9. Baptism and Confirmation
- 10. The forgiveness of sins
- 11. Self-examination
- 12. How we make our Confession
- 13. The Confirmation Service
- 14. The Last Supper and the Eucharist
- 15. The Eucharist
- 16. How we make our Communion
- Maps and Diagrams