The grace of God - Page 5


Such then are the essentials to achieve that saintliness which God requires from each and every one of us – to lay hold on the living power and grace of God by penitence and faith and prayer.  For only in a broken and contrite heart can God fully work: broken, that is by sorrow for sin not once, nor twice but over and over again.  If the land is hard and solid, no matter how it may rain, little can grow unless it is broken to a tilth year by year.  And, no matter how much grace is showered on us by God, the same is true of my heart and yours.  Secondly, just as the land so broken must then be warmed by the rays of the sun, so our hearts must be warmed by being turned and lifted up to God in fervent prayer and self-offering.  And that is the only way to God.


Auber, H. (1829) Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed.  Available from: (Accessed 29 December 2010) (Internet).

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