Natural and supernatural - Page 4


But the Transfiguration was also intended to prepare them for his Resurrection, when his material body would be raised to the supernatural level and thus become the perfect instrument for him to live that life of eternal glory which he had enjoyed with his Heavenly Father before he became Man, and which they had glimpsed, fleetingly but unforgettably, on Mount Hermon.  And so on Easter Day the Risen Christ told the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, “Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” (Catholic edition RSV, Luke 24:26).

In Our Blessed Lord during his earthly life we see the moral perfection of human nature, the ultimate point beyond which no further development is possible because in him there was nothing that fell short of the moral perfection of God himself.

But in the Risen Christ we see also the ultimate perfection of human nature as a whole, beyond which no further development is possible because his whole being, soul and body together, has been raised to the supernatural level of God himself.