The merciful soldier - Page 8


By contrast, kindness towards all, both to those who like us and those who don’t, is the best missionary for Christ.  People are impressed by actions not words; and if they see that kindness to all and sundry is one of the fruits of Christian discipleship, they are more likely to think that there is something in the Christian religion that’s worth having.

For kindnesses done by true disciples are expressions not merely of their concern for their fellow human beings, but also of their love for Our Lord.  As Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (NRSV, Matthew 25:40).  And we cannot ask to be able to do more than that.


1. Greenwood, L.H.G. (translator) (1935) Cicero.  The Verrine Orations.  Book V. v.66:170, London: William Heinemann Ltd; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

2. Taylor, J. (1650) Holy living, Chapter IV, section VIII.  Available from: (Accessed 10 February 2011) (Internet).

3. Age UK (2010) 1.72m older households suffering fuel poverty.  Available from: (Accessed 11 February 2011) (Internet).

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