The mob and Pilate's wife - Page 7


But it is not enough to act like salt, we must also act like light, making the world a brighter place, increasing its good and therefore its happiness.  So we must also be the light of the world – of our own world – living the Christian life with such sincerity that our discipleship will be obvious to all and thus will not only influence our fellow Christians for good, but also lead others at any rate to respect the Faith even if they do not actually embrace it themselves.

We must not despise our opportunities and think that because our corner in life may be small, because we hold no high or prominent position, that therefore our influence will be of little value.  The world is made up of little corners and if one is dark it can be very dark.

Jesus compared Christian discipleship to the little clay lamp in a Palestinian cottage whose tiny flame, round which during the winter nights each family would cluster, alone made the darkness bearable.  Even a small room needs a light and most of us meet and therefore influence more people in a week than we may realise.