The unmerciful debtor - Page 10


“Father, forgive them” were Our Lord’s first words from the Cross and they were echoed in St Stephen’s last words at his martyrdom, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” (NRSV, Luke 23: 34; Acts 7: 60). There is our example, and it is one that we cannot refuse to follow without making a mockery of the very name of Christian.

But when we do follow it, we find ourselves sweetened by a forgiving spirit, for it is very difficult to harbour bitterness against anyone whom we regularly lift up to God in our prayers and in forgiving others we ourselves thereby become forgivable.

Let us therefore make the effort, when the effort is required, to be as ready and as quick to forgive others as God himself is to forgive us: so that we can always say that very uncomfortable petition in the Lord’s Prayer with well-founded confidence, “Forgive us our trespasses in the same way as we forgive those who trespass against us”.


1. Book of Common Prayer. The Order for the Visitation of the Sick. Quotation is from the words of Absolution. 








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