The Inseparables - Page 5


It is as wrong to ignore the Lady of ladies now that she is in Heaven, as it would have been to ignore her when she was living with her Son in Nazareth.  Such an attitude is a slight, however unintentional, upon her Son who by the love and honour he bestows upon her, sets us all the perfect example of how she should be treated.  We are, of course, not talking about giving to Mary the worship which is due to God alone.  We talking about honouring her as the Mother of Jesus, our Most merciful Redeemer, our Friend and Brother.

But we may be thankful that, in England, her rightful place is being restored and the neglect of past generations atoned for.  A token of this is the flourishing Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham – a truly holy place of pilgrimage.