Introduction to prayer - Page 2


Prayer and its divisions

Let us now think what our prayers should include besides asking for things which we and others need.

Worship and adoration

First, we should make what are called acts of worship or adoration.  We should say the kind of things that we would say if we could see God, such as, “My God, I worship and adore you”, or “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts.  Heaven and earth are full of your glory.  Glory be to you, O Lord most high” or “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit”.


Then we should thank God for all his goodness to us in this life and for all he has done and is doing, to bring us to Heaven in the next life.


Besides adoration and thanksgiving we ought also to confess or own up to our sins.  We must always remember that the wrong things we think and say and do make us unfit even to approach God.  That is why, when we pray, we tell God we are sorry for them.