God the Father (A) - Page 2


The Father

We know, however, that God cares for us much more than that for, as Jesus told us, God is our good Father and loves us more than the best of human fathers.  He cares for all he has made.  “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?” said Jesus, “yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight…Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows” (NRSV, Luke 12:6,7).

God’s love for us is much greater than that of any earthly parents.  His love is unending.  It is so great that he still goes on loving us even when we turn against him.  Parents sometimes say to their children, “If you do that, God won’t love you”.  That is not true.  Whatever we do and however we treat him, yet God still loves us.  Even if everyone hated you, God would go on loving you.

One of the ways in which God shows his love is by watching over us and looking after us.  Of course this doesn’t mean that nothing nasty will ever happen to us; but it does mean that he keeps us safe many more times than we know, and can give us courage and comfort when trouble does come.

God put us into this world and he cares for us all through our life.  We can completely trust God.  He is with us always, through good times and times of trouble.  At the end of our life, when we die, he will be there to meet us and welcome us and we will live with him for ever. 

Omnipresent Spirit

God is everywhere because God is a Spirit.  Of course you can’t see him because a spirit has no body.  Wherever we look, God is there.  The stars so far away, the grass under our feet, all these things remind us of God who made them all.  There is no place where God our Father is not, so wherever we are, he is close at hand.

St Paul writes, “… neither death, nor life,…nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God…” (NRSV, Romans 8:38,39).


1. Some people wrongly believe that God is harsh and unloving or has no interest in us.

2. God is our good Father who loves us dearly, watches over us all through our life, and will be waiting to welcome us at its end.

3. God is always with us because God is a Spirit.

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