Judge of the living and the dead - Page 2


The Second Coming

When Jesus comes again, he will not come secretly as he did the first time when he was born in Bethlehem.  Next time he will come in clouds “with great power and glory” and all the holy angels with him (NRSV, Mark 13:26,27).

As to when he will come, that is something which no one knows, not even the angels in heaven (Mark 13:32).  His coming will be sudden and unexpected – as he said, “...like a thief in the night” (NRSV, 1 Thessalonians 5:2) – and that is why some of his last words of warning to us were “Beware, keep alert” (NRSV, Mark 13:33), so that we are ready in case he comes in our lifetime.  Whether he will or not, we do not know, but he will come in someone’s lifetime.

So the Church’s year always begins with the season of Advent, that is, ‘Coming’, in order that we may keep Our Lord’s Second Coming in mind.  If we are wise, then, we shall remember the warning of Jesus and try to live a good life and pray that we shall be set at his right hand when he comes to judge the living and the dead.


1. We do not get what we deserve in this life but we shall in the next.

2. On the day the world ends, Jesus will come to judge the living (quick) and the dead.  He will separate good people from bad people.

3. We think especially every Advent about the Second Coming of Jesus, for Advent means ‘Coming’.

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