The Catholic Church - Page 4


The Catholic Creeds

Now, although everyone agreed on what the Scriptures said, after a time people began to have their own private ideas of what it meant.  Some, for example, got so far away from the truth as to say that Our Lord Jesus Christ was not really God.  So, in order that everyone might know the truth as it had come down from the Apostles, the Church drew up the Nicene Creed which we sing at the Eucharist.  We also have the Apostles’ Creed which is said at Evensong.  This was originally a summary of the Christian Faith which was learnt by candidates for Baptism and Confirmation.  In addition, there is the Athanasian Creed which you will find in the Prayer Book after Evensong.

The Catholic Faith

Thus these Creeds put into words part of the Catholic Faith.  The Catholic Faith itself, including for example, teaching about the Eucharist, are handed down by the Church from one generation to another.


1. The Catholic Church today is the same Church which Our Lord founded over 2,000 years ago.

2. It can be recognised as such because it has the original three-fold Ministry of Bishop, Priest and Deacon; the original Sacraments; the Scriptures; and the Creeds.  And the Catholic Faith which it holds and teaches is the whole Christian Faith as held and taught by the Church for the first 1,000 years of its existence when Christendom was still united.


1. Vincent of Lérins (died c 450 AD) Commonitorium:2. 

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