The Church, the Society of God - Page 4



Every society has benefits for its members, that is, the members get some good from it.  For example, members of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) have free admission to the Society’s nature reserves. 

So the Church has special benefits for its members.  Many of these are given in the Sacraments, such as Confirmation when we are given the Holy Spirit; and Holy Communion when we receive Jesus himself.

Of course, you won’t have free admission to the RSPB’s nature reserves unless you are a member.  So also you cannot have the benefits of the Church unless you have at least been baptised and are a member of the Church.


The Church is God’s Society, and, like every society has:

1. Purposes for which it was founded.  These are:

a) to offer worship to God (main act of worship is the Eucharist)
b) to save souls for him by:

  • teaching the Truth about God and about what he has done and is still doing to save us;
  • giving his grace through the Sacraments.

2. Organisation (dioceses each under its Bishop as a successor of the Apostles).

3. Officers (bishops, priests and deacons).

4. Proper way of joining (Baptism and Confirmation).

5. Rules

6. Benefits, obtainable only after joining.


1. Girlguiding UK (not dated) The Promise.  Available from: (Accessed 19 November 2010) (Internet).

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