The Communion of Saints - Page 3


Patron Saints

Most churches are named after one or more Saints, such St Mary the Virgin or St Peter and St Paul.  These are the church’s patron Saints and on the day when they are remembered and honoured there are special celebrations in the parish to mark the Patronal Festival.

Some of you will have the name of a Saint as your Christian name, such as Mary or John.  This is your special patron Saint.  If your Christian name is not the name of a Saint, then you can choose a Saint as your patron.  When you say your prayers, ask your patron Saint to pray for you, using words such as “Holy Mary, pray for me” or “St Francis, pray for me”.  In this way we make the Communion or Fellowship of Saints something real, so that, when we say in the Creed, “I believe in the Communion of Saints”, we are talking about something in which we actually take part.  And, of course, we also have fellowship in the Eucharist with the “angels and archangels and with all the company of Heaven”, for then we come with them before God’s Throne.


1. The Communion of Saints means the fellowship of all members of the Church who love Jesus.

2. We have fellowship with Church people all over the world in prayer and Holy Communion.

3. We have fellowship with the souls in Purgatory by praying for them.

4. We have fellowship with the Saints in Heaven by asking them to pray for us.

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