Third: To honour his holy Name - Page 3



It is also a sin to use the Name of God or of Our Lord Jesus Christ as a swear word.  That is something which Christians, who are supposed to be Soldiers and Servants of Christ, should never do; or if they do it, they should immediately be ashamed of themselves.  Such swearing is very common because sin is very common, but God will not hold those people guiltless.

The Catechism explains the Third Commandment by saying that part of our duty to God is to honour his holy Name.  That is to say, it teaches us to be reverent.  So we should always speak God’s Name reverently and seriously, never idly or frivolously.

Example of the Jews

This is something which the Jews went to great lengths about.  When God appeared to Moses in the desert and told him that he was to rescue the Israelites from Egypt where Pharaoh had made them his slaves, Moses said, “If I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you’, and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?’  God said to Moses, ‘…you shall say to the Israelites, I AM has sent me to you’ (NRSV, Exodus 3:13,14).  By his Name ‘I AM’ God showed that he is the One who always is, and to whom past, present and future are all alike.

Now in Hebrew, the language of the Jews, I AM is Yahweh, which appears in the Bible as Jehovah.  The Jews treated God’s Name of Yahweh so reverently that they would not even pronounce it.  If they came across it when they were reading, they substituted for it the name Adonai, that is, The Lord.  From this we learn always to treat God’s Name with great reverence and seriousness.


Whenever the Name of Jesus is said or sung, we should always remember to bow our head.  Indeed, this is ordered by one of the Canons or Laws of the Church of England: “All persons present in the time of divine service shall… give due reverence to the name of the Lord Jesus …” (2) We should also bow in honour of the Holy Trinity when we say the “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit”.  Bowing in this way is not only an outward act of reverence to God, but it actually helps to make us reverent in ourselves.


So we should always speak reverently of all holy things, and especially of the Blessed Sacrament which hides Jesus himself.  And we should always remember to honour him in his Holy Sacrament by genuflecting (going down on one knee) whenever we pass the place where the Sacrament is kept or reserved.  A white light burns at that place day and night.