Seventh: You shall not commit adultery - Page 3



“To keep my body in temperance, soberness…”  Soberness today is taken to mean the opposite of drunkenness, but in the Catechism it means steady conduct.  For example, it means not trying to attract the notice of others by shouting and singing in the street, but rather by behaving in an orderly way. 


“Temperance, soberness and chastity”.  Chastity means purity in thought, word and deed.  All sins first begin as thoughts in the mind, and this is particularly true of sins against chastity.  So we must be on the look out and stamp on those thoughts as soon as they appear.  As regards impure or dirty talk, that is like so much filthy water thrown over a person’s soul. 

Our Lady is the great pattern for us all to follow.  You will have seen in many pictures of her a white lily as an emblem of her spotless purity.  For her soul was completely fair and pure, and that is one of the reasons why she went at once to Heaven when she left this life.  For Heaven, as you know, is where God is seen, and Jesus has told us that it is the pure in heart who will see God.

When temptation comes, we cannot do better than pray at once to Jesus and to Our Lady for help.  So we should lose no time in sending this prayer like an arrow to Heaven, “Jesus, help me, Mary pray for me”.

Saying “No”

One of the most important things is to be strong enough to say “No” when other people tempt you to do wrong.  Never feel forced into doing something you know to be wrong, even if people laugh at you.  It takes much more courage and character to say “No” and to walk away from temptation than it does to go along with the crowd.  So, for example, if someone tries to get you to take drugs, or get drunk, or to look at immodest pictures, or to have sex outside marriage – keep control of yourself and quietly but firmly say “No”.